Sunday 3 July 2011

Jeremy Joseph Goes to No 10: This Is The Rapture - The End-Time Is Here, People!!!

'Why was the man behind G-A-Y and Porn Idol a guest at No 10 party?'

The Mail On Sunday.
Jesus Christ and holy fuck! What on Jupiter has happened?!!!

"David Cameron is to review No 10's guest policy after a gay nightclub owner who encourages men to strip naked at 'Porn Idol' contests was invited to an official function.
"Jeremy Joseph, who runs London's G-A-Y club, attended a Downing Street event last month designed to celebrate the 'importance gay people play in national life'.
"But his contribution to society includes cajoling young audience members to take their clothes off in front of a baying crowd at the weekly Porn Idol nights he hosts at the Heaven nightclub.
"An undercover Mail on Sunday reporter attended the event on Thursday and saw Mr Joseph, 44, encourage contestants to strip naked, using lewd language, and urge the audience to jeer at those who were reluctant to do so."

How sad that the Daily Mail in 2011 still employs gay men who have to go "undercover" to a gay club.
So is this story based on a made-up quote which doesn't even back it up?
You Betcha!
"A No 10 aide involved in arranging the function said last night: 'We did not know Mr Joseph organises the event you describe and we will look into this with regard to invitations to future events.'"
You couldn't make it up.
I advise you read the shocking expose of the cavalcade of FILTH witnessed by an undercover Daily Mail reader here, but I must beg that it is not seen by your children, servants, pets or good lady wife.

Update: Here's a rather smashing video of Adele - the special surprise guest at G-A-Y on Pride day. Thank you Adele. Well done, Jeremy.


  1. This bloke's a cunt too.

    "Downing Street said: 'Ahead of a summer of Gay Pride events, [the reception] was a recognition of the importance gay people play in national life.' What about a reception for the recognition of the importance working class people play in national life? Or one for dustbin men? Firemen? Lollipop ladies? School dinner ladies? Oh no, because they don't have their special interest groups. What is this obsession the "great and the good" have with homosexuality? I know most of them went to public school but it's getting preposterous. The love that dare not speak its name seems to be unable to stop shouting from the rooftops."
    - David Joseph, London, 02/7/2011 23:31

  2. That "joke" about "the love that dare not speak its name has become the love that just won't shut up" is so old. I read it in a newspaper comment piece in (I think) the New York Times in the mid-60s. It's also been attributed to Robertson Davies at some point in the '70s and Mike Nichols.
    Put it into google and it brings up quite a few examples, each one no doubt thinking they're being terribly funny and original.
