Monday, 12 May 2014

QX: 1,000!

London's QX magazine celebrates its 1,000th issue.
Has always tended to be far better than free gay mags tend to be.
Here Stewart Who?, contributing editor for 10 years, and other ex-QXers look back at ye olden days.


  1. Great 1000th issue, I went uptown specially to get it last week, as I gave up clubbing about a decade ago, but I used to see Stewart Who around town, and at various clubs, like Action and Crash - where I spent a lot of Saturday nights. Wayne Shires had a terrific club there in Vauxhall + Patrick Lilley at Queen Nation .... after returning to clubbing in 1996 it was Substation South, then going back to Heaven at Pride in 97 - it was my early 80s home, along with the Market Tavern, Two Brewers and the LA - then I got tired of Heaven again by 1999 but then Crash opened ! what a Millennium night I had there, on a free ticket from Wayne, then by 2003 it was time to settle down and give it all up again. QX though remains the best of the freebies, covering the clubbing scene and the promoters and DJs and the music - BOYZ is unreadable now.

    1. Agree about Boyz.
      Tragic if you think what it used to be like under Simon Gage and Hudson...
