Sunday, 4 May 2014

Fagburn: Superiorism

New theory.
Superiorism; The belief that other people are less than you.
This partictularly applies when talking about old Cold War enemies and the colonies.
I can prove this on an Etch-A-Sketch.

1 comment:

  1. Oh God, yes. There's an adjunct of this where, for example, one of the biggest twats on Queerty says that Perez Hitlon should be applauded for outing someone like Neil Patrick Harris because having people dragged out of the closet against their will is somehow good for all the other gay people who aren't Neil Patrick Harris. In other words, they decide which gay people deserve consideration (non-existant, imaginary ones) and which ones don't (real people). Just like those who applaud Israel for apparently being 'gay-friendly' while completely ignoring all the gay people they bomb or terrorise along with the rest.
    It all boils down to self-regarding pomposity.
