Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Boko Haram: #HashtagComplicated

Matt Bors.

'Oh, thanks for RTing that hashtag, I was worried you might support the mass kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls...'

An actual article on Independent Voices today begins...

You might expect this to be ironic.

It is not.

Look, here's a quick lesson in modern international relations; Boko Haram are terrorists.

The whole point of terrorism is to generate maximum publicity for a cause by committing atrocities that cause outrage.

Do you really think they are 'quaking in their boots' cause loads of people in the West have posted a selfie of themselves holding up a bit of paper while making the *boo hoo squish squish sad face*?

Or maybe they'll be laughing their heads off?

Still I'm sure they'll let all those poor girls go free when they see your online petition...

PS Chomsky on Nigeria and the rise of Boko Haram.


  1. Yeah. And really no one had even considered or factored that in before you. Thank you, Richard.

    #WorldShatteringInsights. #EgoWhatEgo?

    1. The journalist who wrote the Independent Voices piece clearly hadn't.

