Friday, 28 June 2013

YouTube: Share Your Love

YouTube celebrates Pride with this avalanche of absolute sentimental vomit.
See if you can spot the gay kid who committed suicide after posting a video of himself on YouTube.
It gets better!


  1. Serious question: What's wrong with a bit of sentimentality? It's good to see some happiness in the gays and some positive stories, int it?

    1. In theory nothing, no-one's a bigger sucker for a soppy love song than me.
      It's just I keep feeling I'm drowning in this stuff sometimes.

    2. "Sentimentalism is the working off on yourself of feelings you haven't really got."

      "Never was an age more sentimental, more devoid of real feeling, more exaggerated in false feeling, than our own."
      both D.H. Lawrence

      Sentimentality is false.
      Sentiment is another thing entirely.
      But most of this kind of crap is pure unadulterated sentimentality.
      It's bullshit.

  2. Stop making this stuff now cos you're upsetting poor Fagburn
