Friday 1 March 2013

Cardinal O'Brien: Let's Get The Party Started

Almost invariably, it was late at night by the time the parties started. After dinner and prayers, the residents of St Andrew’s College would gather around candlelit tables in the refectory or head upstairs to the billiard room to talk, drink and laugh into the wee hours.
The tight-knit group, mostly in their early 20s, had been drawn to the 19th-century baronial mansion near the village of Drygrange, a stone’s throw from the River Tweed, on the Scottish borders, by a calling. They wanted to devote their lives to serving God as priests in the Catholic Church...

The Daily Mail.

Hard call for the Mail to know where to stand on this one.
Church good, gays bad, but The Gays in The Church, hmm...
So they just print a bunch of titillating crap and innuendo peppered with unsubstantiated quotes from "sources" that have no real relation to Cardinal O'Brien.
And talking of non-existent sinister "gay mafias" is as odious and offensive as talking about non-existent "Jewish cabals".
And the well-worn subtext to this story, that all gay bashers are secretly gay, is as fatuous as saying all racists in Britain are secretly black.
This really is a dreadful anti-gay witch hunt about an admittedly awful man but about whose personal life we now know next to nothing - no wonder the Mail is going in for the kill.
Well done.

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