Sunday 3 March 2013

Bad Lads: Hotties In The News

In a - some may say - desperate attempt to reach a wider audience, Fagburn is starting a new section, Hotties In The News.
This is Billy Lobjoit, 19 - who apparently plays for Leyton Orient, a so-called "football team" - he acted as a getaway driver on armed robberies "in a little Smart car two-seater in three raids with pal Sam Rothery," the Sun on Sunday informs us.
"The striker waited outside shops as Rothery, 18, robbed cash, cigarettes and alcohol — on two occasions with a knife...
"Lobjoit smiled as he received an 18-month suspended term and driving ban after admitting robbery at St Albans Crown Court, Herts."
Who wouldn't want to be "held up" by this sexy stunner? 


  1. Now this definitely shows that you have lost the plot. Big time.

    1. But isn't this what people want?
      I am so confused! :(

  2. Richard.

    First of all I am not desperate to see daily hotties of someone else's choice. I can see someone and decide what I think is hot and what isn't. Given the wide range of shades of sexual chemistry, the likelihood is that you would be wrong most of the time, for me.

    Now, if you want to treat us all like tabloid readers then go ahead, as you have done, to make a selection for the demographic that you think is 'Fagburn readers'.

    Secondly, admittedly, this is a personal blog and why should we tell you to do anything. If you want to choose baby-faced teenagers in either Speedos or V-necks then that's up to you.

    But sometimes I come across a website or a blog where I think that there is or could be something else happening. Malcolm Gladwell in his book Tipping Point talks about people who's messages create contagion and stickiness. How else would new media & social media create such critical mass.

    I came across your blog nearly two years ago and found it refreshing, challenging and irreverent. Fantastic. You even publish negative comments and strong criticism which, in good journalism, is essential.

    If this blog is only for you, then great. If it's for us and you want a creative dialogue then decide who and what you are, so that we can have a bigger conversation. At the moment, few people respond to the posts.

    I realise that it can difficult to find a niche, a particular voice and a writing style to fit it. You are not and don't want to be GayStarNews, PinkNews, Queerty or Advocate, by your own words. But what are you?

    If your blog is therapeutic and you're not bothered that occasionally we really like what you write then tell us to f**k right off and we will. If you like the dynamic and conversation with people who respond to your posts and really think you have something different to say then decide what you are and who we are.

    And avoid hating the world, and much of the other gay press, be less ruthless and let us see the real you, rather than the mask that you often wear.

    And yes, it was worth the time writing this.

  3. Okay. The post was meant to be satirical though.

    Thank you for your comments - did mean a lot.

