Saturday 2 March 2013

Al Qaeda: Breaking - They Don't Like The Gays

The Family Research Council and NOM have a new ally in the battle against same-sex marriage.  Yesterday Al Qaeda published the above full-page graphic in Inspire,  their English-language magazine.  Will Brian Brown or Tony Perkins denounce their new BFFs?  Or will this be one of those "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" sort of things?

Joe My God, probably America's most popular gay blog, and faithfully reprinted by Towleroad, his rival to that crown.

Okay Joe, so Al Qaeda run an English-language magazine.
Well, that must be top of their list of priorities.
Must be true. 
Or maybe, as many suspect, the magazine is a HOAX.
Your gay media (not) at work...

PS No link to the "magazine's" "website" as apparently it is basically a virus that will eat your computer. Funny that...

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