Saturday, 30 July 2011

Ivan Massow: Why Is This Right-Wing Goon Writing For The New Statesman?

"Gay Britain: What is it like to be a gay man today? The answer may surprise you."

It'll probably surprise you - unless you know this daft online "poll" of posh, rich boring right-wing Tory gay twats on Ivan Massow's website for posh, rich boring right-wing Tory gay twats, Jake, isn't in any conceivable way representative of "Gay Britain".


  1. I agree - I read this and felt rather angry - doubtless that's why it was included - utter tosh.

  2. It's bsically just a free ad for his website.
    It's astonishing that the NS ran it - and that no-one thought to question the inherent bias in his "survey."
    Sadly this sort of thing happens a lot - you can clearly get away with publishing any old unfounded nonsense about The Gays in the straight media...

  3. Oh, and I wonder if he tried to sell it to The Spectator first and they said no?
    Oh the irony...

  4. I know - all that weird shit about multiple partners, he's always been strange but this was well over the top.

  5. Hmmm ... I am a gay man, I am not posh, not rich, and my friends tell me I am not boring, yet I am a Jake member.

    The monthly events have a nice crowd that attend them, and I have met some interesting people and made some friends here.

    Why does the gay community have to lower itself by slagging off people in the community - Jake IS a representation of the gay community, not the only one of course but it is one.
