Friday, 8 July 2011

Russell T Davies: Old News

"It's going to be about fortysomething gay men and how jealous they are of gay teenagers. I've been longing to write something for adults...
"What got me started was a friend, a former Mr Gay UK, who split up from his boyfriend. He asked me: 'Why are so many gay men so glad we split up?' That remark's stayed with me for six years. I think there's a self-punishing streak in that gladness and I want to explore it."

This was Russell T Davies - Fagburn loves her to BITS! etc - being interviewed by The Guardian in 2007.
RTD said the series was codenamed MGM (More Gay Men).
The BBC confirmed it was in development - TV/Film code for "under contract, currently being thought about".
This week the BBC told Hollywood Reporter it's back on - though apparently it's still only "in development".
But at least it now appears to have a name; Cucumber.
Though - knowing Russell - this may all be a big camp joke.
I wouldn't hold your cockbreath - RTD has been promising just such a "Queer As Older Folk" project ever since the end of Queer As Folk.
Over ten fucking years ago.

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