Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Johann Hari: Busted!

"Johann Hari has been suspended for two months pending the outcome of an internal enquiry. We have no further comment to make." Oops!
Surprisingly nobody has taken Hari up on writing this bollocks in 2004.
The biggest joke is that The Independent didn't "suspend" Hari for writing lies about Iraq.
Silly sod.


  1. sort yer links aht!

  2. Who be you now speaking of????????

  3. the "this bollocks in 2004" link just goes to the picture you already be showing!

  4. I do not give a fuck.
    But thank you for asking.

  5. nice to see people attacking Hari's porn habits.
    no homophobia there.

  6. Eh?
    I love gay porn, and haven't mentioned it.
    What is point?

  7. It's all a bit circuitous, but an email account used for the purposes of editing the wiki stuff (so many assume it's hari's) is connected in some ways to downloading a gay "incest" porn film or something.
    Lots of people commenting on this completely irrelevant fact(?) and how disgusting it is etc.

    The thing is, if he's found guilty of all this then he'll have to face the professional consequences and to face his own conscience, but on the other hand i can understand completely how someone in his position ended up doing what he did. i think the people (editors etc) who allowed him to get away with it for so many years deserve equal criticism here.
    it's not as if any of this is a surprise to anyone who's followed hari for the last 10 years, is it?

    also, why do you find the murdoch stuff tiresome but the (peanuts by comparison) hari case of more interest?
    there's a lot of personal interest in many of the attacks on hari i've seen, including the blatant homophobia i mentioned.
