Monday, 4 April 2011

Michael Bronski: On Bradley Manning

The April issue of Z Magazine contains a short essay by one of Fagburn's most favourite writers, Michael Bronski; 'Sex and Security - Bradley Manning, Sexual Identity, and WikiLeaks'
"When the Manning story first broke last June, Gawker ran a column that was pure exploitation, conjuring up fears that Manning's sexuality was the reason for his 'betrayal.' Asserting that Manning might be transsexual (a rumor so odd that no one else has mentioned it), the report claimed that Manning was turned in to the FBI by a man with whom he had had a flirtation ('Was Wikileaker Bradley Manning Betrayed By His Queer Identity?').
"Since that time, stories about Manning have ignored or downplayed his stated sexuality. The LGBT national press has written very little about him, choosing, presumably, not to play off the angle that someone who allegedly hurt national interests could be a gay martyr..."

You'll have to sign in to read it in full - or even better become a Zmag/Znet subscriber or make a donation.

• Michael Bronski's A Queer History of the United States is published on May 10th by Random House.
• 'Bradley Manning Case: British moral authority 'at risk' Welsh MP says UK must challenge US over treatment of soldier being detained for alleged leak of state secrets to WikiLeaks' - Ann Clwyd MP in The Guardian.

Update: Ann Clwyd's EDM on Bradley's case was discussed in the Commons Monday night - UK citizenship confirmed, representations to be made to the US State Department...

"I loved it - I look forward to reading Fagburn all the time now" - Michael Bronski, February 2011

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