Monday, 17 January 2011

Chris Colfer: Doing It For The Kids

Chris Colfer dedicates his Golden Globe Award to the kids;
"Most importantly to all the amazing kids that watch our show, the kids that our show celebrates too, who are constantly told 'no' by the people in their environments, by bullies in their school, that they can't be who they are or have what they want because of who they are. Well, screw that, kids!"
Watch it here.


  1. Oh, BLESS HIM!


  2. There was more attention given to Rick Gervais's gag; "Also not nominated I Love You Phillip Morris. Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor. Two heterosexual actors pretending to be gay. So, the complete opposite of some famous Scientologist… My lawyers helped me with the wording of that joke.”
