Wednesday 17 June 2015

Posh Gay Watch: Get Back In The Closet

The endless celebration and mollycoddling of homosexuals in the media has transformed the genteel, camp rightsists of the 1950s into brash, glitter-drenched Pride queens. If for no other reasons than manners and aesthetics, we ought to think about shoving the next generation back into Narnia...

Yet another outing - this time courtesy of Milo Yiannopoulos at Breitbart - for the favourite complaint of the upper class gay twit; the problem with homosexuality these days is that's it's just so common.

His argument here - gay men's sperm is more clever (and gay!) than straight dudes' cause evolution and we are wasting it and thus weakening the gene pool when we should be settling down and getting married to women and making more gay babies like what gays did in the good old days or something - is so baffling and barking it's hard to know if he's serious.



  1. I'd never heatd of him but a quick google search confirms that he's known for his wit. Perhaps this is an attempt at that. Gays as a species?

    1. But isn't 'wit' supposed to be funny?

    2. Failed wit never is. The great irony is the activists in the Gays Then photo were urging people to come out of the closet, a fact that seems to have eluded Mr. Yappadopoulos

    3. And they were mostly leftists, doubt there were many right-wing goons like Milo there back then...

  2. He seems to support any trolly point of view that will get him on tellybox. It's a living I suppose!

  3. Its Brietbart, no need to say more.

  4. It's Breitbart, nuff said!
