Friday 19 December 2014

Scandal: Dolphin Square Murder!!!

A lurid account of a Conservative MP strangling a young boy during a depraved sex party is the most dramatic case being investigated by Scotland Yard as part of its inquiry into an establishment paedophile ring.

A man known as Nick has claimed that he was in the room when the MP killed a boy aged 12 at the Dolphin Square apartment complex near Westminster in the early 1980s...

This story first appeared in the Sunday People, and has taken off as a police officer said the Met will investigate as 'I believe what Nick is saying is credible and true.’

An absolutely unbelievable statement for a police officer to make.

Still the police are always right, eh, and they never get anything wrong.

So glad they launched that investigation when I told them I'd been abducted by aliens.

Bit confused/disturbed as to why so may on the left - including gay men - seem cheerleading to believe this.

I wasn't there, maybe this did happen, but, erm, is there actually any evidence?

1 comment:

  1. Never underestimate the ability of the police to waste money on high profile investigations at the expense of catching real criminals. Any charges brought against Sir Cliff yet? Thought not...
