Monday 27 February 2012

Tom Daley: Now Available In Wax

Madame Tussauds in that London unveiled their waxwork of Tom Daley today.
Not the greatest of timing following all that hoo-ha last week about him spending too much time on media stuff and not enough on the training, but what the hey... *
Poor young Tommy didn't turn up for the grand unveiling. 
"One of the most dramatic figures ever to feature at our attraction, Daley is captured in mid-dive as he soars from the diving board towards the water. The high impact figure is suspended at a height of four metres in a specially designed aquatic set and guests can literally walk right underneath as Daley is frozen in action...."
I wonder if they sell them in the gift shop?

PS There's an enchanting video about the making of the model here - but I can't embed it cause YouTube's playing silly buggers today.
Update: They've introduced new embed codes - that don't work...

* There's a lengthy - and quite moving - statement about the media row from Tom, issued via his management here.
And a supportive piece from the Sunday Mirror 'Criticism Only Adding To The Weight On Daley's Shoulders'.
Something tells me the Sexy And I Know It video was the breaking point. 
Poor Tom.


  1. Sponsored by Nestle!
    Oh cruel irony, my only love sprung from my only hate!

  2. He could use the dummy for the media appearances so he can concentrate on his training. :)

  3. He did a press conference for his autobiography this morning, so that whole "not being a total media slut" thing didn't last long.
    Bad Tommy!!
