Monday 12 April 2010

Labour Manifesto: A future vague for all

A quick skim through Labour's election manifesto which is published today...
If you thought there might be a few nice fluffy mentions of "the gays" you'd be wrong.
If they are re-elected it says they will "enforce the Equality Act", that means the Labour party supports its own legislation - oh whoopeefuckingdoo!
The only other bit of specific gay relevance I could find was a section stating that; "We support couples who want to get married and for whom marriage offers the best environment to raise children." (Page 43, emphasis added).
Which at present means gay parents are - at best - second best.
Surely the easiest way for Labour to show it has a genuine commitment to gay equality would have been for its manifesto to commit to introducing same-sex marriage if they are re-elected.
Even though it is now legal from Spain to South Africa, in a general election that will be decided by Middle England, for New Labour gay marriage seems to be literally unmentionable, perhaps even unthinkable.

1 comment:

  1. Oops! My mistake.
    Right at the end of page 3.5 it says; "More will be invested in anti-bullying interventions, including tackling homophobic bullying."
    If I didn't know any better I might think this has been tagged on right at the last minute after Labour learnt the Tories would be making exactly the same manifesto pledge...
