Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Ivan Massow: Still Fucking Terrible

“Look, I don’t want to bring out a violin, but the lack of support from the gay community at that time, because I attended a conference with Margaret Thatcher for example, really brought me down, because I couldn’t tell people what I was trying to achieve. And I had a very specific objective. Because I saw the politics of sexuality at the time being very much a case of them and us.

“So we were expected to join the left side, even though we might be quite entrepreneurial and want to own our own houses and believe in small government, and all the things I personally – and especially gay men – tend to be.

“Gay males don’t realise it, but when you start to dissemble, and ask them the questions that are multiple choice, they’re Tory. But you were obliged to stand on the left and throw rocks at the right. Almost as if they enjoyed it. It was like a class hatred thing and I didn’t see that as being productive."

Gay Tory millionaire shitbag, Ivan Massow, interviewed in the digital edition of Attitude.

One word, Ivan... bollocks.


  1. What a tosser. Conservatism, the politics of them-and-us, divide-and-rule.
