Thursday, 22 August 2013

GLAAD: The Price Of Everything And The Value Of Nothing

In its first ever study of LGBT representation on film, GLAAD finds the major studios are really slipping on their gay pimpin’. According to their Studio Responsibility Index, only 14 of the 101 releases from major studios contained lesbian, gay or bisexual characters, with nary a transgender representation in sight...

Additional findings from the study include:

- More than half of those inclusive films (55.6%) featured gay male characters, while another 33% featured lesbian characters and 11% contained bisexual characters. Male characters represented 63% of LGBT images on screen, while female characters made up just 37%
Of the 31 different characters counted (some of whom were onscreen for no more than a few seconds), 26 were white (83.9%), four were Black/African-American (12.9%) and one was Latino (3.2%). There were no Asian-Pacific Islander or recognizably multi-racial LGBT characters counted.
- The most common place to find LGBT characters in the major studios’ 2012 releases was in comedies, where nine of the 24 comedies released (37.5%) were inclusive. By comparison, 34 genre films (action, sci-fi, fantasy, etc.) made up the majority of the 2012 releases, though only three (8.8%) of those included any LGBT characters. Additionally, only one of 21 dramas (4.7%) and one of four documentaries (25%) were inclusive, while there were no LGBT characters in any animated or family-oriented films from the ‘Big Six.’

Fagburn would be fascinated to learn what anyone is supposed to learn from this, or indeed from any of GLAAD's endless queer headcounting "surveys" on LGBT representation in the media.
Apart from that the well-funded group is obsessed with quantity over quality.

Weekend gif shamelessly borrowed from Queerty - if only the fillum had been that short it might have been bearable.
GLAAD review of Weekend; "Drama. Contains two white gay men - onscreen for one and a half-hours each (approx.). Lesbian, trans, Asian-Pacific-Islander, and Black/African-American characters completely absent. Rating 3/10."

1 comment:

  1. I love Weekend, I really do.
    The only bit I thought was shit was the forced gay marriage discussion. There's lots wrong with the film, I guess, but I really do think it captures something quite special; esp. that final shot + John Grant song.
    It really stayed with me, that film.
    You always seem to rate shit as either good or bad.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say: is GLAAD's "rating" for the film so low because they also thought it was shit or a result of that terrible breakdown before it ("no trans, no black, no dogs" &c)?
