Saturday, 17 August 2013

Section 28 Returns: Boycott Britain!

Three British schools have recently come under criticism for reintroducing terminology from Tory Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s Section 28 by banning the “promotion of homosexuality” in classrooms.

Castle View Enterprise Academy in Sunderland, Colston Girl’s School in Bristol, and Swindon Academy have reintroduced anti-gay language from Section 28, which banned the “promotion of homosexuality”, into their Sex and Relationships Policy.

The schools’ policies state that while “objective discussion of homosexuality may take place in the classroom, the governing body will not permit the promotion of homosexuality”...

Pink News.

This is just how the Nazis started!
What the hell is up with this backwards country?
We cannot remain silent - here is my plan of action...

1. Circulate pictures of the UK's tyrannical leader, David Cameron, with a Hitler moustache drawn on!

2. Sign one of those pointless e-petitions immediately - it's the only language they understand!

3. Paint your toenails pink!

4. Get Pesident Putin to have a word with Dave, like.

5. Get Dan Savage to organise a boycott of Early Grey tea - even though it doesn't come from the UK!

6. Take a photo of yourself waving a crappy rainbow flag outside Battersea Dogs' Home and post it in on your Facebook page.

7. Generally just be hypocritical and hysterical - only an outburst of collective insanity can stop this!

• Today's PR Stunt/press release masquerading as "protest"; Gay Porn Studio To Donate 100% Of Profits To Russian LGBTs Seeking Asylum - Queerty. FFS!

Update: How these micro-Clause 28s contravene ECHR's equality guidance for schools. Thanks to MM.
See also Anti Academies Alliance. 


  1. Here's an investigation of the papertrail for these policies which comies to the conclusion that it all originates from a source document created before the repeal of Section 28 disseminated by a policy compliance service provider to academies and free schools:

    - matthew davis
