Saturday 2 March 2013

Richard Gere: Pet Shop Boy?

I’ve been glued to the scene from American Gigolo from 1980 in which Gere, a male prostitute, is moving around his bedroom half-dressed, selecting shirts and ties, singing along to Marvin Gaye. For male sexuality and narcissism, nothing on screen has come close, before or since...
Gere may have no illusions about himself, but others have plenty about him. Since he played a homosexual in Bent on Broadway in 1980, people have wondered (without any foundation) about his sexual orientation. Indeed, in the early 1990s he was the subject of one of Hollywood’s most outrageous and enduring myths – that he was admitted to the Cedars-Sinai Hospital in LA with a gerbil stuck in his rectal canal.
“I don’t know where that came from,” he sighs. “And I don’t care. So stupid. Childish."
Some other things they say about him are more soundly based in fact. The weirdest of them all is the story of the dissolution of his marriage to Cindy Crawford. Three years into the marriage of two of the world’s most beautiful people, the couple placed a full-page ad in The Times in which they declared: “We are heterosexual and monogamous and take our commitment to each other very seriously.” Shortly afterwards they got divorced. Even by the mad standards of Hollywood marriages, this struck me as odd. What possessed him?
“I don’t know,” he says flatly. “It’s so long ago. I don’t care."

More gaiety - if denied - from FT Weekend. 
Or GT Weekend as I've now wittily renamed it.
You may not be surprised to learn the interview was cut short.

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