Saturday 9 March 2013

FT Weekend: Bona Lattie

This week's obligatory gay feature in FT Weekend is an interview with Nick Partridge, chief executive of the Terrence Higgins Trust.
I think the main point is to shake the proverbial bucket in front of the FT's wealthy readership, and more specifically to plug the THT's 30th Anniversary Auction at Christie's on March 21st.
So Nick does talk about the trust's origins and early days - “Every year between 1985 and 1997, at least one of our trustees would get sick and die – and then so would our volunteers...” - and current work.
They also "skirt around" criticism of the effectiveness of their HIV prevention work with gay men. 
But it's a rather strange piece as it's an At Home With... feature, and so keeps suddenly turning into a guided tour of Partridge's - admittedly lovely-looking - house in "up-and-coming" Peckham.
From what I know, Nick Partridge has always seemed like one of the good guys, and this may have been the only way of getting a significant and sizable plug in what's basically a high-end lifestyle magazine, but this did seem rather "odd", to say the least.

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