Sunday 10 March 2013

David Bowie: "Golden Years"

A few years back I had an amusing email exchange with Angie Bowie when I was trying to fix up an interview.
She broke it off with the immortal line that she was bored with talking about David Bowie. 
Anyway, I'm happy to report that she's in-no-way bonkers, nor has she ever tried to trade on David's name nor cash in on his success.
She's also a reliable source of information on the Dame back in the early days, and - by golly - she's never told any of these stories in the Sun Sunday before has she?  
If you haven't OD-ed on DB coverage in the media recently, you might want to read this Guardian piece - When Bowie Met Burroughs - by Jon Savage instead.
A strange title, as it's actually an overview of his glittering career and - though it's been a cliche in all the recent safety blanket coverage - his terrific cultural impact.
Whatever it's a rare interesting and insightful piece amongst a tidal wave of tired old guff.  
Most papers seem to think they can get away with stars reminisces of the golden years, or by filling a few pages with some old photos and "insights" cribbed from the book accompanying the upcoming V&A exhibition David Bowie Is...
(It opens in a fortnight - interesting timing seeing as no-one knew about this comeback). 
The Sunday Times Magazine has lifted a whole article from the book, Oh! You Pretty Thing, by... Camille Paglia.
Can't believe anyone still takes this silly old fraud seriously anymore.
For once be grateful if you can't get behind the Murdoch paywall.    

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