Thursday 7 March 2013

Daily Mail: Barbie Girl

At first glance, you may think you're in a Mattel museum.
But the 2,000 Barbies and 1,000 Kens lining the walls of this home show collector Stanley Colorite's 'Dream House'
The 41-year-old, who calls himself the Barbie Man, started collecting nearly two decades ago and spends $30,000 a year adding to it.
His seven-bedroom home in Florida has become a tribute to the popular toy, taking up four rooms - including the bathroom...

This is what you miss if you don't read the Daily Mail!
Worst rated comment: "I feel sorry for his wife."
Which I think is a joke - he is pictured with "his boyfriend, Dennis", who has one of those "please kill me" faces.
Odd how relaxed and matter-of-fact about The Gays the Mail's features and showbiz gossip often is, when so many of their columnists are still anti-gay shitebags.  

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