Sunday 24 July 2016

Gok Wan: Go Wank

Probably the most fawning and fatuous thing you'll read this year.

When did you first realise you were a guru to womankind?


  1. Gok Wan has the best piece of advice for when people are having a go.

    say "thanks for noticing."


    for example: "oh my god. you are so completely amazing on the guitar and incredibly hilarious and witty. you must be some sort of delusional housewife who got angry and got a ban and then got married. wow."

    answer: ya. thanks for noticing. i am incredibly amazing on the guitar, arent i, as you will find out one of these days when you pull your head out of your bottom. LOLOL. dont stop believing, you crazy MFs.

  2. marry me, Richard.

    no wait. i am already married to someone from a message board.

    hang on. can you make a passable apple crumble ?

    wait. do you have enormous hands ?

    *looks nervous*

    *does terrible acoustic album about you*

    *gets drunk on cider and spams you relentlessly*

    sorry. wont happen again.
