Thursday 14 July 2016

Angela Eagle: Untrue

Angela Eagle homophobia claims ‘completely untrue’

The out Labour MP had allegedly faced ‘harassment’ and ‘intimidation’ from Jeremy Corbyn supporters.

Several members of Angela Eagle’s constituency party have hit back at claims of homophobia made last week.

Speaking on Daily Politics [July 5th], Baroness Tessa Jowell said members of Labour’s Parliamentary Party had been subjected to “intimidation, abuse and fear” in the wake of a recent vote of no confidence in Mr Corbyn. *

She also claimed that Ms Eagle had suffered anti-gay abuse from members of the pro-Corbyn group Momentum at a constituency meeting in Wallasey.

“I spoke to Angela about her meeting,” Baroness Jowell said. “She faced homophobic abuse at that meeting.”

However, several of those who attended the meeting have refuted the accusation – claiming that Ms Eagle was not even at the meeting in question.

Kathy Runswick – Chair of the Wallasey Constituency – told Pink News that the allegation was “completely untrue”.

“Angela Eagle was not at the Wallasey Labour Party AGM and thus could not have ‘faced homophobic abuse’,” she added....

Ms Runswick also claimed that “when the meeting took place, Angela was still in the Shadow Cabinet, and was apparently fully supportive of Jeremy Corbyn..."

Pink News.

* I think only Pink News published this fiction - but in quote marks and with an 'allegedly'.

Whatever, this episode shows how Corbyn is clearly being smeared to buggery.

PS I'm sure Eagle does get a lot of homophobic abuse, I just doubt it's coming from supporters of Corbyn.

1 comment:

  1. It was on Newsnight, from a local from Young Labour.

    You also need spend only five minutes on Twitter to find homophobic and misogynistic abuse from avowed Corbyn supporters.

    Shocked to find you in denial Richard. Completely unlike you.
