Monday 31 August 2015

Guy Burgess: The Spy Who Was Slut-Shamed

Guy Burgess (all three pictures) became an agent for the Soviet Union after leaving Cambridge University in 1935. It was well known that he exploited the blackout in wartime London to pounce on and pick up young servicemen for his own pleasure and locked in the drawer of his desk was evidence of his twin vices: a bottle of gin and a book on flagellation. The dangerous flaws in his character were obvious to all, yet his job in the news department, briefing the Press, meant he was privy to almost all material produced by the Foreign Office, including top secret telegraphic communications, along with the keys for decrypting them. 

Daily Mail.

See, you just can't trust these buggers.

PS 'The most promiscuous man who ever lived' bit is an actual scientific fact!

1 comment:

  1. I must say, he was a bit dodgy. My great hero was Kim; Burgess' indiscretions rather undermined him. He would, by all accounts, shag a barber's floor after a few gins. Mind you, going by that pic, I wouldn't have kicked him out of bed to make room for Freddie Forsyth, meself.
