Friday 18 July 2014

Gaza: Hey! Hope You Haven't Forgotten About Us

A missile that wrongly hits a target that can serve Western power interests is worth a thousand direct hits in the service of empire.



  1. Thats serves a western power !. .....not important about the aids scientists and activists then richard ..... i would have thought that might have struck a chord...let's just hope this isnt a catastrophic event..that we lost something somewhere in the future, on a tangent that one of those guys might have taken to find some cure...I respect your work on here richard...but .....

    1. Was going to do something, but chickened out cause I wasn't sure how to frame it (without sounding insincere)...

  2. If it had been an Israeli government missile that had taken out an airliner, Richard, you would have been all over the story. Instead, because it's your Russian heroes responsible you piously and hypocritically lecture people on exploiting the tragedy.

    Your purported sympathy for victims is entirely dependent on who has harmed them. Zero humanity, only political calculation.

    If you are annoyed that the world's attention has strayed from those horrible Jews you are obsessed with, you would be better directing that annoyance at your homophobic hero Putin and his idiot goons in Eastern Ukraine.

    1. Kill yourself.

    2. I think you writing 'those horrible Jews you are obsessed with' is a bit low.
