Saturday 29 March 2014

Gay Marriage: Until Death - Or Another Cock - Do Us Part

A BuyKurious/Fagburn co-production. x


  1. This works on the presumption anyone getting married still has a sex life.

  2. Its a little negative but did make me laugh this morning, so thanks for that

  3. Where did you get those cake decorations? The one on the second tier could be very useful for newspapers, etc, to illustrate gay marriage stories

  4. You cynic! Are you saying that men-gay or heterosexual- can't really be trusted to keep it in their pants for more than 2 weeks and that it is females that keep their penises in check and that it will be hard for two men (phnar phnar) to stick to the heteronormative demands for monogamy that marriage demands?

    Who'd have thunk it, eh?
