Monday 28 November 2011

Daily Star: Gary Speed RIP

Rumour has it Gary Speed killed himself because a tabloid was about to out him (allegedly).


  1. Has this been confirmed?

  2. Gonna have to give us more than that sir...

  3. Have I ever been wrong?

  4. Yes, and you've pointed these mistakes out and then apologised for them, how sir do you know this?

  5. So I can go away now in absolute certainty that this is what happened then?

  6. You heard it from me!

  7. But where did you hear it?
    A journalist mate?
    Daily Star?
    Were you writing the bloody thing?

  8. Not even "Allegedly" now.

  9. I seem to remember you said the anti gay leaflets posted in Tower hamlets were put up by the EDL and you then called me a 'racist' when I asked you for evidence to support this wild claim. You were wrong and I was right then. Likewise you offer no offer no evidence for this wild claim.

  10. Both the Daily Star and The Sun have posted tweets denying any investigation on their part.

  11. The rumour seems to change regarding the newspaper involved - some say The Sun, some The Daily Star, I even saw The Telegraph mentioned.
    If it is true, they probably phoned him up and said either he comes out officially in their paper or they out him anyway. Like they always do.

    Some people are saying this should be kept quiet out of respect for his family, but if it is true this needs to get out to show what the tabloids are like when it comes to forcing gay celebrities to come out in their papers - to stop this sort of thing happening again and to make it less likely that the family of a closeted celebrity in the future has to experience what Gary Speed's family is going through.

  12. There's nothing offensive about the suggestion someone might've been gay and the idea a tabloid newspaper tried to force a celebrity out of the closet hardly constitutes a 'wild claim' since they do it all the time.

  13. "I seem to remember you said the anti gay leaflets posted in Tower hamlets were put up by the EDL and you then called me a 'racist' when I asked you for evidence to support this wild claim. You were wrong and I was right then. Likewise you offer no offer no evidence for this wild claim."

    No, I said we didn't know. Which we didn't.

  14. Auto-erotic accident?

  15. I love bizarre wanking incidents, but think this may be not...

  16. You seem a nasty piece of work Fagburn.

  17. so what if he was gay his sons needed a dad surely he mustve been depressed as well, he seemed to have a strong enough character to get though it if he had held on

  18. Wheres the evidence?

  19. Are we any nearer to some evidence?

  20. Is it allegedly Darren Anderton? Since when is the twitter school yard the be all and end all
