Sunday 15 May 2016

Chemsex: The Wages Of Sin

Henry Hendron sits in the top-floor flat from which he is about to be evicted, his career in tatters, mourning the love of his life. The ambitious young barrister was awarded the keys from Middle Temple, his Inns of Court, back when he was a Young Turk tipped as a future star of the Conservatives...

Oh dear. I've suddenly lost all sympathy...

“It’s decadent. It’s fun to be naughty, even if it’s not always nice. Soon, you’re caught up in this world. It’s a big revolving door. It’s so easy to get in, but so difficult to get out of. If my horrific experience goes for anything, I hope it will help those who are drowning in the sea of chemsex.”

The Sunday Times.

Henry and Miguel weren't at a chemsex party, they'd had dinner together at the flat earlier, with some wine, and Miguel took some G as they went to bed, presumably to help him sleep.

How this can be described as a 'chemsex drug death' somewhat baffles me.

Mind you 'this deadly dinner craze' doesn't make for such sexy/scary copy, does it?


  1. Only you could be so in denial as to suggest dying from a G overdose is a normal consequence of having dinner. But it's the gay media who are hysterical....
