Thursday 24 March 2016

Chemsex: Who Will End This Deadly Gay Craze???

Barrister Henry Hendron has admitted to supplying the party drugs which killed his 18-year-old boyfriend Miguel Jimenez in January last year.

Appearing in the dock at the Old Bailey this week, Hendron, 35, said that he bought £1000 worth of drugs from BBC producer Alexander Parkin, 41,which he intended on selling on to guests at a chemsex party at his flat at the country’s most prestigious legal chambers.

The drugs led to the death of Jimenez, whose body was found by the sobbing lawyer after the two day party held over 19-20 January 2015.

Prosecutor Martyn Bowyer said: “It is accepted this defendant bought in bulk for use in what is known as the gay chemsex scene.

“He would be making them available for friends at cost price.”

Mr Bowyer continued: “The drugs found at the flat were purchased by him for his own and others’ use, others including his then partner, who tragically died as the result of taking those drugs.” ...

Attitude blog.

Bit of a difficult one for Attitude to cover, this.

Obviously this is proof that CHEMSEX EQUALS DEATH!!!

On the other these two sound like their target readers.

A 17 year-old Hendron first leapt to fame in 1998 after addressing the Conservative Party Conference, calling for longer prison sentences and a return to corporal punishment.

One is tempted to call him the 'gay William Hague', but [deleted on legal grounds].

Fagburn doesn't think taking drugs or giving them out should be a crime, but I hope the judge bears the above in mind when sentencing him.

Oh, and you're about five times as likely to die from being struck by lightning.

The jury's still out on DEATH BY CHEWING GUM!

PS Why mention he's a 'teen' in the headline'. 'Twink' surely...

1 comment:

  1. Yes I know you support this chemsex vogue Richard ..But it's just so naff..thats why its bad,,besides what it might or might not do to you healthwise.. it seems a strange thing to do with ones life.. with chemical stimulation invite strangers into one life to be intimate with, with no real connection other than seems to make the idea oneself as throwaway..worthless.. in a grab it quick throw away society and adds to my believe that a lot of gay men, just won't/can't grow up...they can take themselves seriuosly ..but not for long
    I am 54 years old [thats 154 in gay years]
