Friday 26 September 2014

GT: Satire!

Asked my mate Darren to mock this up for a larf.

Don't worry, it's not real!

As if anyone would choose this neo-Thatcherite god-bothering cunt and unconvicted war criminal as the greatest gay icon of the last 30 years.

PS You can always trust Independent Voices to come up with the gay wet liberal hackneyed goods.

What's that you say?

The man who wrote that runs the Labour Campaign For LGBT Rights?

I find that very hard to believe.


  1. I don't know if that list is taken from GT, but it contains some names almost as dodgy as Tony Blair. Why Conchita Wurst but not Dana International? Clearly GT has posh interns, because this list must have been compiled by middle class airheads who can't remember the last century and have never ventured outside of the M25 except on their annual trip to Mykonos.

    I thought I remember reading that Tony Blair thought that the country wasn't ready for significant homosexual law reform. It certainly didn't happen until after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that an unequal age of consent was unlawful.

    The dizzy, apolitical queens at GT should have given the accolade of the greatest gay icon to the far more deserving European Court of Human Rights.

  2. Well enough executed but there's something about lampooning a man who will be canonized the day after his death that makes me feel, frankly, uncomfortable.
