Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Parenting: I Love My Gay Son (Obviously)

A Conservative MP has claimed "most parents" don't want their children to be gay. How can he possibly know? How many has he asked? Certainly not me; if he had, I'd have told him I like having a gay son so much I think everyone should have one.
David Davies's presumption that he knows what I feel about my child is startling. Here's what I feel about my son: I love him. I respect and admire him and think he's one of the funniest people I know. I regard his sexuality as about as important as being left-handed: it's a bit different, it affects his life, it's moderately interesting; but it's a very long way from defining him.
I'm not saying having a gay son is better than having a straight one – I've got a couple of those and very nice they are too – but I refuse to accept Mr Davies's proposition that it's worse. I can't see any of my children as lesser than the others. Parents value their children for all sorts of qualities – quite often, on a day-to-day basis, to do with how much washing up they do – and their sexuality is rarely the most pressing.
Davies's assertion was meant as a contribution to the marriage debate, although it's hard to see how he thought it was relevant because gay marriage doesn't produce gay children. It's heterosexual marriage that does that. If you don't want gay children, that's the one you should get rid of...

Geraldine Bedell writing for The Guardian's Comment Is Free. 

Hooray for mums.

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